Five Words or Less

There’s a (not so) private joke in our house that when telling a story about a situation that perhaps the other person is not entirely excited about hearing, my husband asks me if I can do so in “five words or less”.  My  answer is almost exclusively, “No.”  It got me to thinking, though.  What are some things that the bible teaches us using five words or less?

Love God.
Trust God.
Fear not.
Prayer changes everything.
Rid me of myself.
I belong to God.
God loves me.
I am Your servant, God.
The Lord is my strength.
Be still and know God.
God is alive.
He is risen.
Love one another.
Lead us not into temptation.
Thy will be done.
Forgive me, God.
Praise God!
Peace be with you.
Thank you, Jesus!
Lord, hear my prayer.
Let your light shine.
Seek the Lord.

This is likely such a small list.  I encourage you to create your own and keep it handy for when you need encouragement or a quick prayer.

Serving and learning together,


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